Saturday, July 30, 2005

The final boxes

The final boxes in the apartment have met the fine blade of the boxcutter and are no longer useable boxes. Also they are no longer cluttering up the apartment, which is a good thing. I was getting so tired of walking about them. Now it is just a matter of getting all the "little things" in their right place for the time being. I haven't unpacked a few things and a few other things will not be put anywhere in particular. This is part of an agreement with Kim. She wants to do all this painting and redecorating. She hasn't really even seen the place except in pictures. It got to the point that I could hear about it any more. I just wanted to hang up the phone everytime that it was brought up. She was also wanting to go out and buy everything together. As much as I love her, I don't see that as something that we can do. So then came the agreement. I would not unpack some stuff, not hang anything on the walls, and not buy any decorative type item unless it had some kind of absolute functionality that I needed (like a washer or a kitchen garbage can) and she would not keep talking about painting and redecorating.

Now, really, I have no problem with redecorating. If she were here right now, this would the perfect time to be doing it. My issue is that I feel like it was getting a little bit too out there and my time was getting eaten up by redecorating. She is coming here and the next day I start the whole reason that we moved down here (the PhD program). The whole perface of the program is that I will work my ass off and I will come out thinking very differently than I did when I started. My advisor has a reputation for working students really hard. The other students I talked to in March kind of laid out a schedule of working from 8-4:30 and then doing another 3 to 4 hours at home. That's no really including classes. I don't know what the expectations are for me for the first week, but I can't imagine they will be light, esp since I will be leaving in two weeks for a few days to get married. I guess what it comes down to is that I don't know how school is going to impact getting this apartment the way that Kim wants it. I guess I don't put as much stock into picking things out and making the place home-like. I trust her in what she desides, but I just wonder what my involvement is truely going to be in this process. I am really not looking for a way to get out of it, but it is hard to figure out the timing of it all when you don't know how much time a major things is going to take.

At least there aren't any boxes to trip over anymore. My next project is to get all of these tapes that I found before I moved on into mp3 format. That way I can eliminate one piece of my stereo equipment. I never thought that I would see the day when the cassette deck would become useless. I used that so much. I guess this means that no longer can I make mix tapes the way that I used to. Not that I have done that in a long time, but it is just weird to think that I used think there would be no way to mix cd's in the steam line fashion. Oh, how the times have changed. But I never thought that I would be able to play Super Nintendo for free on my computer and that is definately happening.

The tapes are old mixes that I did on the radio or as a practice when I thought I was going to be the next greatest DJ. They are a time stamp of an era of my life that has since gone by. There were also some out-takes and live takes from this band that I was in during the summer of '96. Those were the fun-lovin' days of college life. Mindless job, fun after-job, and lots of drinking.

I am Mr. Peabody and I am boxing up the past for better storage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to hear you are redecorating your apartment. I redecorated my Houston apartment and it turned out great. I wish you the best of luck with your apartment.